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세미나 일정

홈으로 이동 세미나 일정

● 320

▷Investigation of pest occurrence patterns in glass greenhouses at ecological observation facilities and research on biological control; 김미혜

▷Insect pest density and density pattern analysis using machine learning algorithm in greenhouse; 박태철


● 327

▷A study on the measures for proliferating and conserving Cypropedium japonicum thunb. as endangered species class I; 강근혜

▷Development of NGS based diagnostic platform for tropical seedlings in post-entry quarantine; 조현지


● 43

▷Discovery of new and unrecorded species of Pteromalidae in South Korea; 이재현

▷Taxonomic study of the subfamily Diaspidinae (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) in South Korea; 김형수

● 410

▷Discovery of new and unrecorded species of Pteromalidae in South Korea; 이재현

● 4월17일

▷Taxonomic study of the subfamily Delphacinae (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) in South Korea; 박상효

▷Relationship between the density of insect pest and damage of host plant: case study of silverleaf whitefly in tomato greenhouse; 손기문

● 4월24일

▷Genome-wide investigation antibacterial genes in Streptomyces recifensis SN1E1; 이수인

▷Taxonomic study of Phlaeothripidae (Thysanoptera : Tubulifera) in South Korea; 한인혁


● 5월1일

▷Taxonomic and ecologic study of Ctenoplusia agnata (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in South Korea; 정다경

▷Taxonomy study of Hormaphidinae (Hemiptera : Aphididae) in South Korea; 김재원


● 58

▷Diversity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria associated with Astragalus sinicus; 노하은

▷Identify and develop of attractant to female pumpkin fruit flies, Bactrocera depressa; 오지혜


● 515

▷Application of the pan-genome of antagonistic strains for fire blight biocontrol; 이예진

▷Investigating the Mechanism of Chlorella fusca CHK0059 in Relation to the Strawberry Microbiota community; 이화정


● 522

▷Assessment of Habitat Suitability of Insect in South Korea using MaxEnt model; 정지원

최근 업데이트 일시 : 2023/04/10 15:23:39