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식물의학과 대학원 세미나 요령

  • 복장: 정장 또는 단정한 옷차림.
  • 마음가짐: 충분한 연습을 통해 불필요한 내용과 말이 없도록 짜임새 있게 준비.
  • 초록: 예시를 참조해서 가급적 영문으로 준비하되 A4용지 한쪽 분량으로 준비하고 발표하루 전까지 청중들에게 전달되어 사전에 내용 이해가 될 수 있도록 할 것.
  • 내용: 기본적으로 담아야 하는 내용들이며 가급적 영문으로 자료를 준비하고 형식은 자유롭게할 것. ppt 30장 내외의 분량으로 30분 정도 발표할 수 있도록 할 것.
    • 제목
    • 문제제기
    • 문제해결을 위한 노력들 (국내/외)…문헌조사 및 리뷰 (과거)
    • 발표자의 연구배경 (현재)
    • 발표자의 연구내용 및 위치 (현재)
    • 발표자의 연구방향 (미래)
    • 감사의 글: 도와주신분
  • 세미나 진행
    • 발표자 소개
    • 발표자 인사말
    • 내용 발표
    • 질의응답 및 코멘트
    • 평가
    • 발표자와의 만남 (필요시 대학원 세미나실에서)
  • 평가통보: 발표후 평가를 통해 2차 발표여부를 알림
[Abstract] Proposal& Review Seminar 예시

Green means "GO", Red means "STOP": Light sensing and signaling fungi

Youn-Sig Kwak

Department of Plant Medicine, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju

Light is a major environmental factor that affects many biological processes in living creatures including fungi. Light is both a positive and a negative stimulus that provides a mechanism to sense the environment (1). More than 100 fungal species have been shown to respond to light (1). Fungal development and behaviors primarily regulated by light signals include spore germination, hyphal growth, branching, and formation of reproductive structures for spore formation and dispersal (2).-중략-


  1. 1. Bahn Y., Xue., Idnurm A., Rutherford J., Heitman J., Cardenas M. 2007. Sensing the environment: lessons from fungi. Nature Reviews Microbiology. 5:57-69.
  2. 2. Corrochano L. 2007. Fungal photoreceptors: sensory molecules for fungal development and behaviour. 2007. Photochemical & Photobiological Science. 6:725-736.
  3. 3. Froehlic AC., Noh B., Vierstra RD., Loros J., Dunlap JC. 2005. Genetic and molecular analysis of phytochromes from the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa. Eukaryotic Cell. 4:2140-2152.
  4. 4. He Q., Cheng P., Yang Y., Wang L., Gardner K., Liu Y. 2002. White collar-1, a DNA binding trnascription factor and a light sensor. Science. 297:840-843.
  5. 5. Kihara J., Moriwaki A., Tanaka N., Ueno M., Arase S. 2007. Characterization of the BLR1 gene encoding a putative blue-light regulator in the phytopathogenic fungus Bipolaris oryzae. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 266:110-118.
  6. 6. Lee K., Singh P., Chung W., Ash J., Kim T., Hang L., Park S. 2006. Light regulation of asexual development in the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 43:694-706.
  7. 7. Mooney J., Yager L., 1990. Light is required for conidiation in Aspergillus nidulans. Genes Development. 4:147301482.

[Abstract] Progress Seminar 예시

FitSearch: a robust way to interpret a yeast fitness profile in terms of drug’s mode-of-action

Minho Lee

Department of Plant Medicine, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju

Background: Yeast deletion-mutant collections have been successfully used to infer the mode-of-action of drugs especially by profiling chemical-genetic and genetic-genetic interactions on a genome-wide scale. Although tens of thousands of those profiles are publicly available, a lack of an accurate method for mining such data has been a major bottleneck for more widespread use of these useful resources.

Results: For general usage of those public resources, we designed FitRankDB as a general repository of fitness profiles, and developed a new search algorithm, FitSearch, for identifying the profiles that have a high similarity score with statistical significance for a given fitness profile. We demonstrated that our new repository and algorithm are highly beneficial to researchers who attempting to make hypotheses based on unknown modes-of-action of bioactive compounds, regardless of the types of experiments that have been performed using yeast deletion-mutant collection in various types of different measurement platforms, especially non-chip-based platforms.

Conclusions: We showed that our new database and algorithm are useful when attempting to construct a hypothesis regarding the unknown function of a bioactive compound through small-scale experiments with a yeast deletion collection in a platform independent manner. The FitRankDB and FitSearch enhance the ease of searching public yeast fitness profiles and obtaining insights into unknown mechanisms of action of drugs. FitSearch is freely available at http://fitsearch.kaist.ac.kr.

최근 업데이트 일시 : 2021/05/18 09:16:55